Think the telephone line is a thing of the past for small businesses? Think again. More than one-third of small businesses don’t even have a website, let alone have the time to build up their digital presence on sites like Yelp or Facebook, which means the phone is still their main point of contact for customers. In fact, our estimates show that American small businesses receive 400 million calls each day from customers placing orders, requesting open hours and more.
Aside from customers, guess who else is calling small businesses on a daily basis? An ever-increasing monsoon of spam callers. In 2018, 26.3 billion robocalls were made to American phones, which was up 46% from 2017’s total of 18 billion. If not blocked, spam calls cause interruptions that hinder productivity and can even lead to lost revenue.
The Real Result of Not Picking Up the Phone
Unfortunately there are limited options for businesses that are reliant on incoming calls from unknown numbers for their livelihood. Small business expert Rhonda Adams put it best in a recent USA Today article, saying that, “while individuals might refuse to answer any ‘unknown’ callers on [their] personal phones, small businesses don’t have the same option.”Suppose the phone rings in the morning, and when you pick up, you are met with a pre-recorded message saying “do not hang up, you have been approved for...” You hang up immediately, only to repeat the same spammy scenario again an hour later. The cycle continues throughout the day, and by the sixth call, you let it go to voicemail. Too bad that sixth call was actually from a customer, and you’ve just missed out on a sale.
End Your Spam Call Frustration with CallJoy
According to our research, nearly half of small business calls go unanswered because employees are just too busy or assume the caller is another spammer. CallJoy automatically blocks calls that are listed as robocall phone numbers so you only receive the calls that matter - the ones from your customers.For example, a current CallJoy auto shop customer used to be inundated with 8+ spam calls every day. These calls interrupted staff in the middle of performing work or while providing quality customer service, causing unnecessary and costly downtime. With CallJoy, spam callers are now either automatically blocked or hang up as soon as they hear the consent whisper message, which keeps the phone lines open for paying customers and allows staff to focus on their daily workloads.
Learn how CallJoy blocks spam...and so much more, then register to get started with our quick setup.