Switching Your Old Advertised Phone Number to a CallJoy Number

Most consumers search for local businesses online on a regular basis with 69% of people searching at least once a month.

Providing positive experiences for each customer’s visit is a top priority for many small business owners and is one that can significantly impact a consumer’s willingness to be a repeat customer. While the in-store experience plays a large role here, your business’ phone line also plays an important part - especially when you consider that a majority of them prefer to contact a business over the phone.

After building a base of loyal customers and finding offers that resonate with them, many owners and managers are hesitant to change anything that customers have grown to expect during a routine shopping experience - including advertising a new phone number for your business. When visitors are accustomed to their local takeout restaurant, auto repair shop or favorite retailer having one phone number, owners fear that changing it could result in a drop off in purchases. While this is completely understandable, to quote the early 1900’s English writer Arnold Bennett, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts.”


CallJoy helps small business owners delight their customers during each interaction by making powerful cloud-based phone technology accessible for small businesses. By using CallJoy’s cloud-based phone number, small business owners can experience benefits like:
  • The ability to choose from a selection of available phone numbers with area codes specific to your location during the initial setup process.
  • Automatically greet callers, provide basic business information, and direct customers to take online action. 
  • Decrease customer hold time and deliver requested information to customers faster than you and your team can provide.
  • Intelligently categorize company calls and compile the data into an online dashboard and daily email.


We know what you’re thinking, “We've had this business number for years! Everyone has it memorized and it's in all of our advertising. Changing it would just confuse our customers!" In reality, the majority of customers find a business’ phone number via simple web searches as opposed to saving or memorizing the number. In fact, 69 percent of people search online for local businesses at least once a month. Moreover, using your new CallJoy number doesn’t mean that your traditional phone number goes the way, in fact, both numbers can exist simultaneously - so there's no drawback to advertising your CallJoy number online. How, you ask?
  • CallJoy is compatible with your existing phone number and will route calls to your existing business number.
  • The CallJoy service works seamlessly with your current phone workflow. If you have a phone menu, CallJoy will even keep track of which options are pressed by your customers.
  • Your old phone number will still work once you’ve set up your CallJoy number, but incoming calls to the old number will not be connected through the CallJoy service.
By using your new cloud-based CallJoy number, your business will be equipped to handle thousands of calls simultaneously, resulting in increased sales and a less burdened staff.

Learn how CallJoy works with and complements traditional business phone lines by exploring our FAQs. Get started with CallJoy to optimize your business and increase sales today.